Another week’s worth of
LP kept YM and I on our toes this
week. This in itself was not any easy task as we skated about on a sea of snot
for the best part of it. Although we thought that LP might succumb to the odd
childhood infection, well not perhaps an "odd" infection like
Trans-fat Induced Personality Change (AKA Potato Chip Rage), I'm talking about
the usual scratchy type conditions that any well rounded childhood contains. To
be clear, I don't want LP to be ripe with disease but I do want to be able to
say, just once in my life, "Cursed child she hath the pox" in a
booming Brian Blessed type voice.
Anyway poor LP awoke on Monday
morning after her usual 12 hours of, save for a brief babble, uninterrupted
sleep (Yeah! Check us out!!!). YM brought a sleepy and slightly less smilie LP
through to the living room whilst I zapped 6 oz of Actamil for 20 seconds. LP
somewhat lethargically sooked at her milk whilst YM prepared breakfast and I
released the hound.
On my return from our morning
constitutional YM was struggling to get LP to eat breakfast. YM had even
switched to the chopped strawberries and Petits Filous option, which is
normally so much of a winner that it cannot be prepared within sight of LP for
fear she would use her 3 “Chucky”teeth to gnaw through the baby gate to get to
it. Sadly, on this occasion LP was having none of it. Over the past weeks you
might think that I had learned a thing or two about keeping my gob shut and not
in any way making any suggestions with regard to the parenting of LP. On this
occasion I scored an epic fail when I suggested LP might manage herself if she
was in her Bumble seat. A swift response of “Well if you think you can do any
better, you blood try” was offered by YM as I covered LP’s ears to protect her
from this YM’s expletives. A Micky Mouse bowl and plastic spoon was then thrust
into my unsuspecting hands which I took as an indication that YM had
capitulated and that I was indeed correct all along.
YM was swiftly transferred into
her Bumble seat with retro-fitted straps and I positioned myself, cross-legged
on the floor, facing LP. I resembled a rather skinny Budda, having gained a few
inches round the waist over the past month due to a breakdown of the time/baby
continuum which has effectively removed all opportunities to exercise for the
time being. I charged LP’s plastic spoon with diced Strawberries and Petite
Filous and adopted the ‘mouth open, spoon poised’ pose. I learned this from my
nursing day’s whilst working in care of the elderly. It didn’t really help then
though and probably just made me look rather vacant. At this very moment LP
sneezed and two streams of green snot were simultaneously expelled from her nostrils
and strung out like crazy string which descended down her Minnie Mouse
Babygrow. Far from being distressed about this LP proceeded to scoop the snot
onto the back of her hand and stuck it in her mouth then rubbing her hand back
and forward made a “lub, lub lub” sound. It has to be said that this is LP’s
party piece, though minus the mucus, and it is normally encouraged by YM and I.
On this occasion though, the green snot was now making YM and I think that LP
had been abducted by Martians overnight.
One of the many questions of the
week is how long I can use “Daddy Brain” as an excuse for virtually everything
I forget to do or attempt to do but not quite succeed at?
Daddy Brain Syndrome (DBS)
presented way before the Stork delivers LP. It first occurred at work when I
allowed my mind to wander and daydream about the joys or abject fear of
impending parenthood. My DBS presented as thoughts of taking LP to B&Q to
take part in the kids DIY classes. I clearly had not given this too much
thought as, due to LP’s age, it would be some time before I am legally and
morally allowed to let her loose with a circular saw. YM, who has clearly been
reading way too much Freud, suggests that this attack of DBS was simply a
surreptitious attempt to improve my skills to cover up for my shortcomings in
DIY department. In a rather poor attempt to restore some vestiges of my
masculinity, YM did kindly point out that I do make a rather moist Victoria
Acute exacerbations of DBS
(symptoms include: proud smiles, tears and early onset impecunity) have
occurred whilst gazing at LP or being separated from LP in a queue at the café
in Morrison’s Supermarket. There is no treatment for an acute exacerbation
however the symptoms do appear to reduce over time and present as being further
diminished by sleep deprivation, stealth baby puke and poorly timed, but well
executed, code browns.
Although DBS has been as yet
incurable, there are a number of self-help techniques which can reduce the
adverse effects of this debilitating condition.
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